PVC Extrusion, Angoscini M.P. verfügt über 11 Produktionslinien, die für die Verarbeitung dieses Materials geeignet sind, von Querschnitten kleiner Abmessungen bis zu großen Querschnitten, monoextrudiert, koextrudiert und bis zu 4 gleichzeitig verarbeiteten Materialien.
Eigenschaften des Materials
PVC belongs to the category of thermoplastic and has an amorphous structure, a high strength and a high modulus of elasticity. PVC is used with a temperature of between -10 ° C and + 60 ° c, has excellent characteristics of stability and chemical resistance to acids.
It is a good electrical insulator and absorbs little water , is physiologically inert , but the use in the food depends on the type of stabilization that has undergone. It has an excellent resistance to fire, it is self-extinguishing and also you can solder paste .
Due to its high resistance to acids, PVC is widely used in the production of components for chemical electroplating and petrochemical industries.
The uses of PVC are numerous : it can be shaped by molding , hot extruded , calendered , or reduced to a liquid for coating of fabrics , surfaces, tanks , valves, taps , baths and artificial textile fibers .
- pipes for building – gutters, drain pipes and drainage pipes for drinking water , ..
- slats for roller shutters
- conduits for electrical wiring
- profiles for windows and doors
- profiles for various applications
In terms of application, the PVC plastic is the most versatile known. It is the “vinyl ” by definition, used for the production of records.